On the progress in historical science

  Ardashev, Pavel Nikolaevich  (1865-1922).    
On Progress in Historical Science: Introductory Lecture / PN Ardashev. - Kiev: Type. Imp. Un-ta St. Vladimir acc. Islands of the Pech. and ed. N.T. Korchak-Novitsky, 1904. - [2], 30 p. ; 25 cm. - At the end of the text - Pavel Ardashev .
ББК 63.1 (2) 52
Copy source: RSL
Location on map of originals: RSL
Publisher Тип. Имп. Ун-та св. Владимира акц. о-ва печ. и изд. дела Н.Т. Корчак-Новицкого
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