Russia. Council of Ministers
On the permission of gold miners Kashirin and Stephenson to explore platinum, gold and other minerals on the Chukchi Peninsula [Case]: April 17 - April 25. - 1916. - 24 L. - (Fund of the Council of Ministers, Inventory No. 12). - Orig. headline: On the assumption of gold mining. Kashirin and Stevenson to the search and exploration of gold, platinum and minerals, in Art. 308 ver. Horn. on the Chukchi Peninsula
1. Power (collection). 2. Territory of Russia (collection). 3. Chukotka Autonomous Okrug: pages of history (collection). 4. Geological exploration - the Chukchi Peninsula (North-East Asian part of the Russian Federation) - Documents and materials. |
BBK 26.44
Finance, industry and trade. |
Source of electronic copy: РГИА Location on the secret of the original: РГИА. F. 1276. Op. 12. D. 325