Olonets monastery Klimentsy, with deserts attached to it, royal and hierarchical letters

  Barsov, Elpidifor Vasilievich  (1836-1917).    
Olonets monastery Klimentsy, with deserts attached to it, royal and hierarchical letters / op. E. V. Barsova. - Moscow: Publication of the Imperial Society of Russian History and Antiquities, 1871. - 171 p. .
1. Holy Trinity Klimenets Monastery. 2. The people (the collection). 3. Territory of Russia (collection).
ББК 86.372л
ББК 63.3 (2) -37л
Source of electronic copy: NB Rep. Karelia
Location on the secret of the original: НБ Респ. Karelia
Publisher издание Императорского Общества истории и древностей российских
Catalogue object