Description of Ukraine

  Boplan, Guillaume le Vásse de  (1630-1670).    
Description of Ukraine: пер. with fr. / Op. Boplan [auth. pref. trans. F.U. [strals?]. - St.Petersburg: Type. K. Kraia, 1832. - XX, 179 pp., 6 ill. ; 24 cm. - Also: Memoirs relating to the history of Southern Russia. Issue. 2, Kiev, 1896 with. 289-388. - Ver. add. tit. l. : Description of Ukraine, or areas of the Kingdom of Poland, lying between the borders of Muscovy and Transylvania, with the addition of news about the rights, customs and military art of Ukrainians .
ББК 63.3 (4Укр) -7
Copy source: RSL
Location on map of originals: RSL
Publisher тип. К. Крайя
Catalogue object