The main catalog for military officers 'libraries and a collection of topics for officers' conversations in military assemblies

  Puzyrevsky, Alexander Kazimirovich  (1845-1904).     rus
The main catalog for military officers 'libraries and a collection of topics for officers' conversations in military assemblies / Comp. on behalf of the beginning of. Ch. Headquarters of the beginning. Headquarters 2 Guard. chevalier. division regiment. Puzyrevsky Publishing House. Military-Scientific Committee of the General Staff .- S.-Petersburg: Type. and Chromite. A. Tranchelya, 1883 .- 47 p. ; 25 centimeters .
BBK 78.37
BBK 68.46
BBK 78.33
BBK 63.3 (2) 522-35-7
Source: RSL
Storage: RSL
Publisher издание Военно-ученого комитета Главного штаба
Catalogue object