Father John Ilyich Sergiev, Kronstadt, archpriest of St. Andrew's Cathedral

  Zhivotov, Nikolay Nikolaevich  (1858-1900).    
Father John Ilyich Sergiev, Kronstadt, archpriest of the St. Andrew's Cathedral: biographical sketch / [of the] N. N. Zhivotova. - 4 th ed. means. add. - Moscow: Type. t. ID Sytin, 1894. - 120 p. ; 19 centimeters .
1. Sergiev, John Ilyich (Father John of Kronstadt, 1829-1908 / 09)
ББК 86.372д John of Kronstadt
Copy source: RSL
Location on map of originals: RSL
Publisher тип. Т-ва И. Д. Сытина
Catalogue object