Correspondence of the Provincial Executive Committee with the All-Russia Central Executive Committee and the Executive Committee...

      Tyumen Gubernatorial Executive Committee  
Correspondence of the Provincial Executive Committee with the All-Russia Central Executive Committee and the Executive Committees on the seizure of church values ​​that are in use by groups of believers [Case]: 1922. - 1922. - 31 L. .. - (Fund Tyumen Gubernia Executive Committee Inventory No. 1). - Handwritten and printed text; with pencil and ink marks. - Orig. headline: Copy of the decision of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on confiscation of church values, instruction on the order of confiscation of church values ​​in use by groups of believers. The correspondence of the Provincial Executive Committee with the executive committees on this issue: April 10, 1922 - December 29, 1922 .
1. Russian Orthodox Church - Relationships - State - 1917 - 1922 - Documents and materials. 2. The people (the collection). 3. Power (collection). 4. Church property - Seizure - Tobolsk province - Documents and materials.
BBC 63.3 (28-8Tob) 612-334
Source of electronic copy: Gos. archive of the Tyumen region
Location on map of the original: archive of the Tyumen region F. Р-2. Op. 1. D. 279. P_2-1-279 028501
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