The command of Alexander I to the chairman of the State. council, letter of the last Minister of Justice and a note by the Minis...

      Russia. The Emperor  (1801-1825, Alexander I).
The command of Alexander I to the chairman of the State. the letter to the Minister of Justice, and a note by the Minister of Justice on matters that can not be brought to the Committee of Ministers, but require a personal report to the Tsar [the Case]. - 1816. - 26 s .. - (Fund Commission for drafting laws under the State Council, Inventory 1). - Notes, drafts, reports of the members of the Commission, its correspondents (including foreign ones), officials and individuals, compiled and sent to the Commission for use in works on the codification of laws and the drafting of a new code of laws. .
1. Russia. Committee of Ministers - Activities - 1802 - 1825 - Documents and materials. 2. Power (collection).
BBC 63.3 (2) 521.1y11
Electronic copy source: RGIA
Location on map of the original: RGIA F. 1260 Op. 1 E. 382
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