Attempt on the life of the emperor of the emperor and the feat of the Kostroma peasant Osip Ivanovich Komisarov, who saved the l...

Attempt on the life of the emperor of the emperor and the feat of the Kostroma peasant Osip Ivanovich Komisarov, who saved the life of the emperor of the emperor on April 4, 1866 near the Summer Garden in St. Petersburg. - Kostroma: type. Andronikov, censorship. 1866. - [2], 10 seconds. : portr. ; 19 .
1. Alexander II (the emperor of Russia, 1818 - 1881) - Attempts. 2. Power (collection). 3. Russia - History - 1855 - 1881.
BBC 63.3 (2) 522-8Alexander II
BBK 63.3 (2) 522
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Location on
archive: РГБ
Publisher тип. Андроникова
Catalogue object