Regulations on the organization of technical supervision of road facilities of the Vladimir provincial zemstvo

      Vladimir Province Zemstvo Board  
Regulations on the organization of technical supervision of road facilities of the Vladimir provincial zemstvo: (approved by the resolution of the Vladivostok Zemsky Collected on December 17, 1897). - Vladimir: Tipo-lit. Provincial Zemstvo Board, 1898. - 8 p. ; 21. - Without tit. l. and obl. .
1. Vladimir province zemstvo - Activities - Documents and materials. 2. The people (the collection). 3. Power (collection). 4. Territory of Russia (collection). 5. Road construction - Technical control - Vladimir province - Documents and materials.
ББК 39.311 (28-8Вла)
The source of electronic copy: Vladimir OUNB
The original storage: Владимирская ОУНБ
Publisher Типо-лит. Губернской земской управы
Catalogue object