Description |
Koyet, Baltazar
(1650 or 1656-1725).
rus dut |
Embassy of Kunraada fan-Klenka to tsars Alexei Mikhailovich and Feodor Alekseevich = Voyagie van den Heere Koenraad van Klenk, extraordinaris ambassadeur van haer Ho: Mo: aen Zyne Zaarsche Majesteyt van Moscovien / [Baltazar Koyet per., Intro., Note. and decree. comp. prep. AM Lovyagin] .- St. Petersburg: publication of the Archaeographic Commission. , 1900 (Type of the Main Management of Destinations) .- 7, CLXXVI, 650 p., 2 l. ill., maps. ; 27 cm .- The edition contains the text and the translation of the anonymous "Historical Story" ... Balthazar Koyeta; There are additional. tit. l. orig. and Rus. trans. ; The main text of the par. Russian, niderl.
ББК Т3 (2) 461,013.13 ББК 63.3 (2) 45ю14