Resolution of the First Plenum of the Tyumen City Council of Workers 'and Peasants' and Red Army deputies of the 11th convocatio...

      Tyumen City Council r. k. and k. d .. Convening. Plenum  (11, 1, 1935).
Decision of the First Plenum of the Tyumen City Council of Workers 'and Peasants' and Red Army deputies of the 11th convocation and the order to the City Council deputies given by the voters during the reporting election campaign of 1934-1935. - Tyumen: Publishing house Tium. City Council, 1935. - 72 p. - Overhead: Tyumen City Council of Workers 'and Peasants' and Red Army deputies of the 11th convocation .
1. Tyumen City Council r. k. and k. d .. Convening. Plenum (11, 1, 1935) - Laws, regulations, etc. .. 2. Tyumen, city - Politics and management - 1930's. - Laws, regulations, etc ..
ББК 67.400.6 (2Рос-4Омс) ю11
ББК 66.69 (2Рос-4Омс) ю11
Source of electronic copy: Tyumen OMB
Location on the original: Тюменская ОНБ
Publisher Изд-во Тюм. горсовета
Catalogue object