Decisions of the Third Tyumen District Congress of Soviets of Workers ', Peasants' and Red Army Deputies (March 6-9, 1927)

      The Tyumen District Congress of Soviets  (3, 1927).
Decisions of the Third Tyumen District Congress of Soviets of Workers ', Peasants' and Red Army Deputies (March 6-9, 1927). - Tyumen: ed. Tyumen. Circle. executed. com. councils of workers, peasants. and the Red Army. deputies, 1927. - 24 p. .
1. The Tyumen District Congress of Soviets (3, 1927) - Legislative materials. 2. The Tyumen district (the Ural region) - Politics and management - 1920's. - Legislative materials.
ББК 67.400.6 (2Рос-4Ура) ю11
ББК 66.69 (2Рос-4Ура) ю11
Source of electronic copy: Tyumen OMB
Location on the original: Тюменская ОНБ
Publisher изд. Тюмен. окруж. исполн. ком. советов рабоч., крестьян. и красноарм. депутатов
Catalogue object