Rules and forms on the production of effects, compiled according to the Law by collegiate assessor E. Kolokolov

  Kolokolov, Evgraf Fedorovich      
Rules and forms on the production of effects, compiled according to the Law by collegiate assessor E. Kolokolov. - Moscow: In the University Press, 1849. - 166 p. - In the 5 th ed. zlol .: Rules and forms on the production of effects, compiled according to the Code of Law by the counselor of the Court E. Kolokolov .
1. Power (collection). 2. The people (the collection). 3. Preliminary investigation - History - Russia. 4. The judicial investigation - History - Russia.
BBK 67.73
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Original storage: Tobolsky GIAMZ
Publisher в Университетской типографии
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