Legislative activity and constitutional projects of the interim government

  Iskevich, Irina Sergeevna      
Legislative activity and constitutional projects of the interim government: the dissertation ... The master of laws: 12.00.01: it is protected 29. 6.2005 / Iskevich Irina Sergeevna; NGOU "Modern Humanitarian Academy". - Moscow, 2005. - 179 p. : ill. .
1. Russia. The Provisional Government (1917, February-October) - Theses. 2. Theory and history of law and state; the history of the doctrines of law and the state. 3. Lawmaking - History - Russia - Theses. 4. Constitutionalism - Russia - the 20th century. - Theses.
BBK 67.3 (2) 535y031
BBK 63.3 (2) 535-33я031
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