Description |
Naryshkina, Natalia Fedorovna
The stay in Yaroslavl of the family of Count FV Rostopchin, in the autumn of 1812, according to the description of NF Naryshkina, born by Countess Rostopchina / [aut. pref. VA Tatishcheva]; Yaroslavl provincial academic archival commission. - Yaroslavl: Tipo-lit. N. Kh. Nikolaeva, 1912. - 23 p. ; 25 cm. - (Proceedings of the Yaroslavl Province Academic Archive Commission, Book 3, issue 3). - The Seal of the Moscow Diocesan Library
BBK 63.3 (28-8 Yaroslav-2 Yaroslavl) 521.1-8 Rostopchin, FV y14
Copy source: RSL Location on map of originals: RSL