Orders of the Tobolsk Uyezd Military-Revolutionary Committee on the destruction of the monetary symbols of the Provisional Siber...

      Tobolsk Uyezd Military Revolutionary Committee  
Orders of the Tobolsk Uyezd Military-Revolutionary Committee on the destruction of the monetary symbols of the Provisional Siberian Government and on the prohibition of the sale of spirits [Case]: September 6, 1919 - September 25, 1919. - 1919. - 13 liters .. - (Tobolsky Fund of the Urevcom, Inventory No. 1). - The text is hand-written, printed; with pencil and ink marks .
1. Tobolsk Uyezd Military Revolutionary Committee - Documents and materials. 2. Territory of Russia (collection). 3. Power (collection). 4. Financial Policy - Russia - 1917 - 1922 - Documents and materials. 5. Spirits - Trade - State regulation - History - Russia - Documents and materials. 6. Tobolsk province - History - 1917 - 1922 - Documents and materials.
BBC 63.3 (28-8Tob) 53-33y1
BBK 65.03 (2) 612y1
Source of electronic copy: Gos. archive in Tobolsk. Location of original material: archive in Tobolsk F. P317 Op. 1 D. 10 317-1-10
Catalogue object