Programs of Russian political parties

Programs of Russian political parties / VV Pogossky. D. Ya. Makovsky. - Moscow: Type. A. I. Mamontova, 1917. - 31 p. ; 16 cm - (Public Policy Library / edited by J. D. Makovsky, No. 9) .
1. History. Historical Sciences - Russia - The Period of Capitalism (1861-1917) - The Period of Imperialism (2nd half of the 90th of the 19th century - 1917 2. Political parties - Political parties that existed on the territory of the USSR - Publicism
BBC 63.3 (2) 52-4
BBK 66.69 (2), 0
Copy source: RSL
Location on map of originals: RSL
Publisher Т-во тип. А. И. Мамонтова
Catalogue object