Minutes of the 2 nd Congress of the Altai Union of Dairy Artels

    Altai union of dairy cooperation. Congress.
Minutes of the meetings of the 2 nd Congress of the Altai Union of Dairy Artels. - Barnaul: State Typography of the District Department of Local Economy, 1926. -24 p. ; 25 .
1. The Altai union of dairy cooperation. Congress - Documents and materials. 2. The people (the collection). 3. Territory of Russia (collection). 4. Dairy industry - History - Altai Territory - Documents and materials.
BBK 65.305.735
The source of the electronic copy: Altai KUNB

Location of original: Altai KUNB
Publisher Государственная Типо-литография Окружного отдела местного хозяйства
Catalogue object