Analysis of criticism K.N. Bestuzhev-Ryumin on the composition of M.O. Koyalovich: "The history of Russian identity on historica...

  Koyalovich, Mikhail Iosifovich  (1828-1891).     rus
Analysis of criticism K.N. Bestuzhev-Ryumin on the composition of M.O. Koyalovich: "The History of Russian Self-Consciousness on Historical Monuments and Scientific Works" / [Soch.] M.O. Koyalovicha .- St. Petersburg: type. F. Eleonsky and Co., 1885 .- 28 p. ; 24 centimeters .
Source: RSL
Storage: S 44/1362; S 24/127
Publisher Тип. Ф. Елеонского и К°