Russian state credit (1769- [1906]). T. 3. The Ministry of S. Yu. Witte and the tasks of the future (1893-1906),

  Migulin, Pyotr Petrovich  (1870-1948).    
Russian state credit (1769- [1906]) = Le Credit public en Russie: the experience of the historical and critical review / [op.] P. P. Migulin  .- Kharkov: Tipo-lit. "Printing", book. KN Gagarina, 1899-1907  .- 26 cm
T. 3: The Ministry of S. Yu. Witte and the tasks of the future (1893-1906) ,. no. 5 and the last:. Results of the Ministry of Witte and a review of credit state transactions .- 1907 .- VI, p. 1019-1217 .
BBK У03 (2) 470.261.6-04
ББК 65.261.6-03 (2)
ББК У03 (2) 502.616-04
Source: RSL
Publisher Типо-лит. "Печатное дело", кн. К. Н. Гагарина