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THE USSR. Council of People's Commissars
Collection of the most important for the Autonomous Karelian Socialist Soviet Republic existing decrees and orders of the Workers 'and Peasants' Government of the USSR, the RSFSR and the AKSSR. 1929, No. 12 (December 1) = Kokoelma johon on keratty S.N.T.L.:n, V.S.F.N.T.:n ja K.A.S.N.T.:n Hallitusten tarkeimpein viomassaolevien Karjalan Autonomista Sosialistista Neuvosto-Tasavaltaa koskevat paatokset ja maaraykset / izd. People's Commissar of the AKSSR. - Petrozavodsk: Type. PF Anokhin, 1929. - 20 p. - Orig. is stored in the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan. - Text in Russian, fin. yaz.
1. Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic - History - 1920's. - Legislative materials. |
ББК 67.3 (2) 613ю11я45 ББК 63.3 (2Рос.Кар) 613ю11я45
Source of electronic copy: NB Rep. Karelia Location on the secret of the original: НБ Респ. Karelia