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Maksheev, Nikolay Alekseevich
Collection of statutory provisions on sub-ensigns, underhorns and ekstandard cadets / The officer-educator of the Don Cadet Corps, N.A. Maksheyev, and the lieutenant of the Akhulginsky reserve were drafted. b-on PN Pervago. - 2 nd ed., Rev. and additional. on the 1st of January. 1896 - Novocherkassk: Type. A. Karasev, rent. F. M. Tunikov, 1896. - 38, 10 p. ; 17 cm. - 1st ed. comp. adjutant of the Akhulgin reserve battalion Lieutenant P. Pervago
BBC 63.3 (2) 531-35y11y45 BBK 68.424.32yuyu45
Copy source: RSL Location on map of originals: RSL