Collection of materials for the history of education in Russia, extracted from the Archive of the Ministry of Education. T. 1. E...

Collection of materials for the history of enlightenment in Russia, extracted from the Archive of the Ministry of People's Education  .- St. Petersburg: Izd. M-va people enlightenment, 1893-  .- 27 cm
T. 1: Institutions in the western provinces before the establishment of the Vilensk school district, 1783-1803 .- 1893 .- LX p., 896, 142 stb. .- Edict. ; Part of the text., Fr. ; Part of the text is paral. lat., Fr. .
ББК Ч33 (2) 471я45
ББК Ч33 (2) я45
Source: RSL
Publisher Изд. М-ва нар. просвещения