Compendium of the Regional Army of the Don Statistics Committee. Issue. 5

Compendium of the Regional Army of the Don Statistical Committee / Troops of the Don Oblast Statistical Committee . - Novocherkassk, 1901-1915
Issue. 5 [Text]. - 1905. - 148 p. - Contents: To the history of public education on the Don. III. The main folk school on the Don / AA Kirillov; The needs of Don in the works of local agricultural committees / AM Grekov; Materials for describing the region of the Don army in a natural historical sense. II. Butterflies. III. Beetles / VV Bogachev; Sidorsky volost, Ust-Medveditsky district. Statistical and ethnographic sketch / IV Timoshenkov; Materials on the history of the settlement of the Miusskiy district / IM Sulin; Materials on the history of public education on the Don: I. Diplomatic troops of the Don - 1757 and 1785 gg. / H.I. Popov; II. To the history of the Novocherkassk male gymnasium. Materials / AA Kirillov; From the reports of Kharkov University / communication. S. A. Pereselenkov; iii. To the acts relating to the domestic history of the troops of the Don / commune. AA Kirillov .
1. Russia - History - Cossacks - 17-19 centuries. - Collections.
ББК 63.3 (2) 531-283.31я43
Historical, historical and economic, historical and demographic essays written on statistical materials and historical documents by the actual members of the committee have been published in the issue, including materials on the history of public education and information pertaining to the everyday history of the Don Cossacks, as well as on the letters of the Don army - 1757 and 1785
Source of electronic copy: Volgograd OUNB
The original storage area: Волгоградская ОУНБ
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