A collection containing (with a parallel translation into the Polish language): 1) The Charter in force in the Empire and in the...

  Rogoysky, Ksaveriy Karlovich      
A collection containing (with a parallel translation into the Polish language): 1) The Charter in force in the Empire and in the provinces of the Kingdom of Poland on stamp duty with additions to the law on May 1, 1884, and a brief systematic outline of the main principles of the Charter and the most important explanations for its application in practice, 2) an alphabetical list of documents and acts subject to the arms. collection and from it seized (according to the Russian and Polish alphabets), 3) regulations on duties from property transferring in a no-loss way, and 4) acting in the provinces of the Kingdom of Polish law on duties: serfs, acts, courts, nominations and passports, and penalties for violation of the Charter of the coat of arms. collection 1863 / Issued with the approval of the Department of uncollectible fees employees in this D-te Yu. V. Reimer and K. K. Rogoisky. - St. Petersburg: type. V. Kirschbaum, 1885. - XLVIII, 72, 277 with. ; 25 cm. - In accordance with. and the text of the par. on rus. and sex. yaz. .
BBK 67.3 (2) 52
BBK 63.3 (4Pol) 52-95-321
Copy source: RSL
Location on map of originals: RSL
Publisher тип. В. Киршбаума
Catalogue object