Author Ратч Василий Федорович Description Ratch, Vasily Fedorovich (1816-1870). Information about the Count Alexei A. Arakcheev. [Ch. 1]. [By 1798] / collected by Vasily Ratch. - [St. Petersburg: type. Headquarters Division. housing internal. Guardians, 1864]. - 197 sec. ; 24 centimeters . 1. Arakcheev, Alexey Andreevich (1769-1834) ББК 63.3 (2) 513-8Аракчеев, А. А. Copy source: RSL Location on map of originals: RSL Publisher тип. Штаба Отдел. корпуса внутр. стражи Catalogue object Россия в 1762 Collections Russian People → Persons of Russia → Statesmen and political figures → Statesmen and politicians of the 18th – early 20th century → A → Arakcheyev Alexey Andreyevich (1769–1834)