Siberia, Altai. Rakhmanovskoe lake near the hot springs. No. 12

Siberia, Altai. Rakhmanovskoe lake near the hot springs. No. 12 [Izomaterial]: species photography. - Moscow: Phototype of Scherer, Nabgolts and K, 1907. - Lighting (phototype); 13,8x8,8. - On the letterhead of the Universal Postal Union. - An open letter. - Horizontal image .
1. Territory of Russia (collection). 2. Rakhmanovskoe Lake (Altai) - beginning. 20 cent. - Photos are documentary. 3. Photos are documentary.
1. woman. 2. boat. 3. shore. 4. Phototype. 5. Postcard
BBK 26.89 (285.37.23)
Electronic copy source: Altai KUNB
The original storage area: Алтайская КУНБ
Publisher Фототипия Шерер, Набгольц и К
Catalogue object