A systematic catalog of the affairs of the Siberian Order, the Moscow Commissariat and other former institutions in the field of...

Kaidanov, Nikolai Ivanovich (1838-1894).    
Systematic catalog of the affairs of the Siberian order, the Moscow commissariat and other former institutions in the field of industry and trade, stored in the archives of the Department of customs fees: immediately: additions to the catalog of the affairs of the Department of Foreign Trade, published in 1877 / was made by the chief of the archive of the Department of Customs Fees N. Kaidanov. - S.-Petersburg: Typography of V. Kirschbaum, 1888. -X, 202, [5] p. ; 28 centimeters .
I. Russia. Department of customs fees. Archive. II. Russia. Department of Foreign Trade. Power (collection). 2. The Russian state and economy (collection). 3. Industry - History - Russia - Documents and materials. 4. Trade - History - Russia - Documents and materials.
BBC 63.3 (2) 5-333y11y14
BBK 65.03 (2) 111114
An electronic copy source: RSL
Location of original copy: РГБ
Publisher типография В. Киршбаума
Catalogue object