Legend of seduction in the alleged Old Believers Fedor Stepanovich Batrakov and his conversion to Orthodoxy

  Legatov, Ilya Ivanovich      
Legend of seduction in the alleged Old Faith of Fedor Stepanovich Batrakov and his conversion to Orthodoxy: [comp. by own. manuscripts of the person who addressed] / [svyasch. Ilya Legatov]. - [Kazan: Univ. type., 1878]. - 30 seconds. ; 25 cm. - Author. specified at the end of the text. l. and obl. Seal of the Library of M.P. M. .
1. Batrakov, Fedor Stepanovich
BBK 86.372
Copy source: RSL
Location on map of originals: RSL
Publisher Унив. тип.
Catalogue object