The Slavic question in Russian science

  Sheikovsky, Kallinik Vasilievich  (1835-1903).     rus
The Slavic question in Russian science: Critical article of K. V. Sheikovsky .- Bobruisk: type. K. Sheikovsky, 1876.-18 with. ; 17 cm. On the region. issue number: No. 181 Rec. on the book: 1. Ethnographic map of the Slavic nationalities MF. Mirkovich is supplemented by A.F. Rittich. St. Petersburg. 1875 2 nd edition of the St. Petersburg Department of the Slavic Charitable Committee; 2. Statistical tables for the distribution of Slavs a) for states and nationalities, b) for religions, alphabets and literary languages ​​(adverbs), with an explanatory note by A.S. Budilovich: An appendix to the "Ethnographic Map of the Slavic Nations" Mirkovich et. cet. St. Petersburg. and chromolite. A. Tranchelya, 1875 in 8 pages 23 .
BBC 63.521 (= 41)
Source: RSL
Storage: RSL
Publisher тип. К. Шейковского
Catalogue object