The word of his Eminence, member of the Most Holy Synod, His Eminence Paul, Archbishop of Kazan and Sviazhsky, on the day of rem...

Pavel (Lebedev, Peter Vasilyevich, Archbishop of Kazan and Sviyazhsky, 1827-1892).    
The word of his Eminence, member of the Most Holy Synod, His Eminence Paul, Archbishop of Kazan and Sviazhsky, on the day of remembrance of the miraculous deliverance of the pious emperor Alexander Alexandrovich and the wife of his most pious empress Maria Feodorovna and their faithful children from death, during the crash of the railway train - October 17, 1889 of the year. - [Kazan: In the printing house of the Imperial University, 1889]. - 12 seconds. ; 25 cm. -
Separate reprint from the November issue of "Orthodox Interlocutor.", 1889. - Without title page and cover.
1. Maria Feodorovna (Empress of Russia, 1847-1928) - Speeches, speeches, etc. 2. Alexander III (Russian Emperor, 1845 - 1894) - Speeches, speeches, etc. 3. The Romanovs family) - Travel - 19th century. - Speeches, speeches, etc. 4. Power (collection). 5. House of the Romanovs (collection). 6. Synod in the history of Russian statehood (collection).
ББК 63.3 (2) 522-8
ББК 86.372.24-43
An electronic copy source: RSL
Location of original copy: РГБ
Publisher В типографии Императорского университета
Catalogue object