Works of Karamzin. History of Russian Goverment. T. 5-6

Karamzin, Nikolai Mikhailovich (1766-1826).    
Works of Karamzin. History of the Russian state: [in 12 tons]. - Edition 6th. - St. Petersburg: the publication of Alexander Smirdin, 1851-1853. - 6 tons; 18 cm. - (Complete works of Russian authors) .
I. Smirdin, Alexander Filippovich (1795-1857) .1. "History of Russian Goverment". Karamzin, Nikolai Mikhailovich (1766 - 1826). 2. The people (the collection). 3. Power (collection). 4. NM Karamzin (collection). 5. Russia - History - 9th - 17th centuries.
ББК 63.3 (2) 4
An electronic copy source: RSL
Location of original copy: РГБ
T. 5-6. - 1852. - 409, V, 372, IV p. -
Each volume has a separate cover page.
1. Karamzin, Nikolai Mikhailovich (1766 - 1826). "History of Russian Goverment". 2. The people (the collection). 3. Power (collection). 4. NM Karamzin (collection). 5. Russia - History - 14th - 15th centuries.
ББК 63.3 (2) 42
An electronic copy source: RSL
Location of original copy: РГБ
Publisher издание Александра Смирдина
Catalogue object