The allied defense treaty between their Majesties, the Emperor of All Russia and the King of Prussia

    Russia. Contracts.
The allied defense treaty between their Majesties, the Emperor of All Russia and the King of Prussia: concluded on July 16/28, 1800. - [St. Petersburg, 1800]. - 7 with. ; 2 ° (37 cm). -
Without title page and cover.
I. Paul I (the emperor of Russia, 1754-1801). II. Friedrich-Wilhelm III (King of Prussia, 1770 - 1840). III. Prussia. Contracts. IV. Russia. The Emperor (1796-1801, Paul I). V. Prussia. The King (1797-1840, Friedrich-Wilhelm III) .1. Power (collection). 2. Russia and the countries of the world (collection). 3. Russia-Germany: from the history of relationships (collection). 4. Russia - Relations - Prussia - 18th century. - Legislative materials. 5. Prussia - Relationships - Russia - 18th c. - Legislative materials.
BBC 63.3 (2) 513-64 (4Gem-9) y11
BBC 63.3 (4Gem-9) 513-64 (2) 1111
An electronic copy source: RSL
Location of original copy: РГБ
Catalogue object