Reference and address book of the city of Kremenchug for 1875 with a plan and views of Kremenchug and the map of the railways of...

  Storchakov, Kirill Nikolayevich      
The reference and address book of Kremenchug for 1875 with the plan and views of Kremenchug and the map of the railways of Russia was compiled by K. Storchakov and G. Rosenthal. - Kremenchug: Type. or T. G. Rosenthal, 1874. - [4], 80, [5] p., 5 liters. yl., pl., maps. ; 17 centimeters .
ББК 63.3 (4Укр-2Кременчуг) 5ю13я23
Copy source: RSL
Location on map of originals: RSL
Publisher Тип. и лит. Г. Розенталя
Catalogue object