A reference book for officers and officials serving in the departments, institutions and institutions of the artillery departmen...

  Viskovsky, Anton Ivanovich  (1861-).    
A reference book for officers and officials serving in the departments, institutions and institutions of the artillery department: Approved journal. art. com. 1896 №133 / Compiled by Lieutenant-Colonel Viskovsky. - Ed. 2 nd, revised. - Moscow: Type. Elizabeth Herbek, 1897. - 612, [5], XI p., 49 p. yl. ; 27 cm. 1 st ed .: A reference book for artillery officials of district artillery warehouses, reserve artillery brigades and artillery parks .
ББК 68.514-1я2
Copy source: RSL
Location on map of originals: RSL
Publisher Тип. Елизаветы Гербек
Catalogue object