Stat Vyborgskoy governorship, consisting of six counties, and name: Vyborg, Serdobolsk, Kexholm, Neishlot, Vilmannstrand and Fre...

The statue of the Vyborg Governorate, consisting of six counties, and nominally: Vyborg, Serdobolskaya, Keksgolmskago, Neishlotsky, Vilmanstrandskago and Friedrichshammag: [Approved: Tsarskoe Selo, July 26, 1783]. - [Sankt-Petersburg: Senate. type.], 1783.-11 p. ; 4. -
The text is baked. direct font, headings - italic.
Without tit. L.
I. The Senate Printing House (St. Petersburg) .1. Vyborg Gubernia - the States.
BBC 63.3 (28-8SYB) 51-28
An electronic copy source: RSL
Location of original copy: РГБ
Publisher Сенат. тип.]
Catalogue object