Statistical information on the number of houses, churches and shops, the number of the city's population according to estates, u...

      The Tyumen City Duma  
Statistical information on the number of houses, churches and shops, the number of the city's population according to estates, urban duties, etc. [Case]: December 8, 1804 - May 1, 1805 - 1804-1805. - 154 liters .. - (Fund of the Tyumen City Duma, Inventory No. 1). - Handwritten and printed text; with pencil and ink marks .
1. Power (collection). 2. Urban population - Tyumen, city - 1st floor. 19th century. - Statistical materials. 3. Tyumen, city - Social and economic development - 19th century. - Statistical materials.
BBC 63.3 (28-8Tob) 521.1-334k121
BBK 65.03 (2) 52
Source of electronic copy: Gos. archive of the Tyumen region
Location on map of the original: archive of the Tyumen region F. I-3. Op. 1. D. 168. И_3-1-168 029058
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