Author Бережков Валентин Михайлович Description Berezhkov, Valentin Mikhailovich (1916-1998). Pages of diplomatic history / VM Berezhkov. - [4 th ed.]. - M.: Intern. relations, 1987. - 613, [1] p. : ill. ; 23. - 130,000 copies. . 1. World War II - Anti-Hitler Coalition - Diplomatic relations - 1941-1945. ББК 63.3 (0) 62-61 Electronic copy source: PB The place where the original was stored: ЦВМБ Publisher Междунар. отношения Catalogue object Период второй мировой войны (1939 Collections 1945: From the War to the Post-War World → World politics. 1945. → Studies Memory of the Great Victory → Allies of World War II → The documents, which you can find in the Electronic Reading Room → Political cooperation → General Section