Secrets of Russian Masons

  Startsev, Vitaly Ivanovich  (1931-2000).    
Secrets of the Russian Masons / VI Startsev [Nauch. Ed. and aut. pref. B. D. Halperin; Comp. and the edict: BP Milovidov]. - 3rd ed., Ext. - St. Petersburg. : DARK, 2004. - 318, [1] p. : portr. ; 22 cm. - Text in Russian. and English. yaz. Bibliography: p. 154 and in praktich. at the end of Art. - Decree. Names: with. 311-318. - 1000 copies. - ISBN 5-98004-005-6 .
1. Masonry - Russia - Collections
ББК 63.3 (2) -453.8я44
Copy source: PB
Location on map of originals: RNB
ISBN 5-98004-005-6
Publisher Д.А.Р.К.
Catalogue object

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