The theory of Eastern papism in the newest Russian literature of canon law

  Pavlov, Alexey Stepanovich  (1832-1898).    
The theory of eastern papism in the newest Russian literature of canon law: T. Barsova, e. hordes. prof. St. Petersburg. Theological Academy: "The Patriarch of Constantinople and his authority over the Russian Church." St. Petersburg, 1878: [Review] / [A. Pavlov]. - [Moscow: Univ. type., qual. 1879]. - 52 sec. ; 22 cm. - Author. specified at the end of the text. l. and obl. Bibliogr. in the note. .
ББК 60.033.151
ББК 67.1 (2) 5
ББК 86.37
Copy source: RSL
Location on map of originals: RSL
Publisher Унив. тип.
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