Proceedings of the 1st Tobolsk Department of the Imperial Moscow Society of Agriculture. Book. 2. 1898

      Moscow Society of Agriculture. Tobolsk department  (1).
Proceedings of the 1st Tobolsk Department of the Imperial Moscow Society of Agriculture: book. 1-4 . - Tobolsk: Printing house of the Diocesan Brotherhood, 1898-1901
Book. 2: 1898 year. - 1899. - Div. pag. .
1. The people (the collection). 2. Territory of Russia (collection). 3. Agriculture - History - Tobolsk Province - Periodicals.
ББК 65.03 (28-8Тоб) я54
ББК 65.32-56я54
Source of electronic copy: Tyumen OMB
Original storage: Tobolsky GIAMZ
Publisher Типография Епархиального Братства
Catalogue object