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Works of expeditions organized by the soil scientist NA Dimo for studying the natural-historical conditions of the Penza province: [in the 11th issue] / Penza provincial zemstvo. Evaluation department; edited by AD Arkhangelsky. Series 1, Geology. - Moscow, 1912-1916. - 26 centimeters
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I. Arkhangelsky, Andrei Dmitrievich (geologist, 1879-1940). II. Dimo, Nikolai Alexandrovich (Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, 1873-1959). III. The Penza Provincial Zemstvo Board. Evaluation department.1. Territory (collection). 2. Territory of Russia: Penza region (collection). 3. Penza province - Geology. |
ББК 63.3 (28-8Пен) ББК 26.3
The source of the electronic copy: Penza Regional Library for Children and Young People Original location: Penza Regional Library for Children and Youth |
Issue. 7: Gorodishchensky district: with the application of a geological map, two profiles and three drawings / compiled by GF Mirchink. - Moscow: Pechatnia SP Yakovleva, 1914 (region 1915). -144 s., [1] l. maps, [1] l. profiles, [1] l. drawings. - Bibliography in footnotes. - Index: p. 141-144. . - (region)
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I. Mirchinok, Georgy Fedorovich (geologist, 1889-1942) .1. Territory (collection). 2. Territory of Russia: Penza region (collection). 3. Natural wealth of Russia (collection). 4. Penza province - Geology. |
ББК 63.3 (28-8Пен) ББК 26.3
The source of the electronic copy: Penza Regional Library for Children and Young People Original location: Penza Regional Library for Children and Youth |