Decree on the organization of peasants

      Russia. Laws and regulations  
Decree on the organization of peasants: [12 Feb. / 2 March 1864]. - [St. Petersburg, 1864]. - 18, 34, 24, [1] p. ; 35 cm. - The text of the par. in Russian, lit. yaz. - Without tit. l. and obl. - In the book. Also: Decree on the organization of peasants (on the organization of rural communes): [Feb. 19. / 2 March 1864]; Decree on the procedure for the introduction of new regulations on peasants: [Feb. 19, / 2 March 1864] .
1. Peasant Reform of 1861 (collection). 2. Power (collection). 3. Peasant Reform - Russia - 1861 - Legislative Materials.
BBC 63.3 (2) 522-210.6y11
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archive: РГБ
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