Charter of the disciplinary (S. V. P., 1869, 23, ed., 2nd, 1879)

  Evdokimov, Leonid Viktorovich  (1855-).    
Charter of the disciplinary (S. V. P., 1869, 23, ed., 2, 1879): Explained by theses decisions of the Chief Military Court, on January 1, 1885, supplemented by the Military Decree, the Code of Laws and orders, circulars, regulations, statutes, instructions announced by the Military Department before March 1, 1885, - and many attachments: With the permission of the Main Military Court Administration / issued Military Decisions. departments cap. Evdokimov. - Ufa: Pecs. N. Blokhin, 1885. - [10], 100, [44] p., 1 liters. Table. ; 18 cm. - Biblogrom. in the note. .
ББК 68.434ю11
ББК 67.3 (2) 52
Copy source: RSL
Location on map of originals: RSL
Publisher Печ. Н. Блохина
Catalogue object