Description |
Ardashev, Pavel Nikolaevich
Reader of World History: A New History in Excerpts from Sources / Comp. prof. P.N. Ardashev in collaboration with Pr. N.I. Nikiforov and the Rev. V.N. Evstafiev, B.A. Zarudsky and N.P. Rutkevich. Part 1-2
. - Kiev: type. 2 Artel, 1914-1915
. - 2 tons. 22 cm |
Part 1: The Epoch of Humanism and Reformation. - 1914. - [4], IV, 228 p. - Contents: About seclusion / Petrarch F .; From sonnets: "To the papal court in Avignon" / Petrarch F .; From sonnets: "To the papal court in Rome" / Petrarch F .; From the concentration: "To the Italian rulers" / Petrarch F .; Found a scythe on a stone / Boccaccio D .; On the nobility / Bracciolini P .; A study on the false and falsified reading of the "Gift of Constantine" / Valla L .; On human dignity / Pico della Mirandola; About the Sovereign / Machiavelli N .; Margarita Navarre in the characteristic of a contemporary
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