Author Ермилов Владимир Евграфович Description Ermilov, Vladimir Evgrafovich (1861-1918). Tsar-liberator and his reforms / V. Ermilov Izd. "Mother tongue". - Moscow: Type. O. L. Somova, 1898. - 16 p. ; 23 centimeters . 1. Alexander II (Imp, 1818-1881) BBC 63.3 (2) 522-06 Copy source: RSL Location on map of originals: RSL Publisher Тип. О. Л. Сомовой Catalogue object Россия в кон. 50-х Collections State Authority → Personalities of heads of state and statesmen → Emperors → Alexandr II and Maria Alexandrovna → Alexandr II (1818-1881) Романовы → House of Romanov. The Zemsky Sobor of 1613 → The Romanovs in the late XVIII − the early XX century → Alexander II (1818–1881) → Researches and Materials Russian People → Persons of Russia → Statesmen and political figures → Emperors → Alexandr II and Maria Alexandrovna → Alexandr II (1818-1881)