Identifier 8bd64c10-8eea-4b45-8c4d-f9ebd00902be Title 1863 Dates 1863 Text language Русский Level Lists Call number РГИА. 1265 / 12 Cataloguing source ПБ им. Б.Н. Ельцина Extent 152 eдиницы xранения Creator Россия. Сибирский комитет Fonds The Second Siberian Committee Contents Отчеты гражданских губернаторов и генерал-губернаторов Сибири; дела об управлении Сибирью; о состоянии промышленности и промыслов, торговли, земледелия, народного образования и здравоохранения; об управлении ссыльно-каторжными File РГИА. 1265 / 12 / 16. On the Approval of the Draft Regulations on the Felling of Forests and on the Timber Industry in the Primorsky Region РГИА. 1265 / 12 / 21. On the erection of the Moscow 3rd Guild of the merchant Shcherbachev, for his service in the Russian-American Company, in personal honorable citizenship РГИА. 1265 / 12 / 24. On the relations between the Ober-Procurator of the Holy Synod and the Governors-General of Western and Eastern Siberia in different subjects РГИА. 1265 / 12 / 75. On the resolution of the flow to correct the embassy homes and Mohammedan mosque in the city of Omsk РГИА. 1265 / 12 / 81. About reward ospoprivivateley Irkutsk province Tatarinov and Ammosov and Tobolsk Province Mozzhegorova silver medals to be worn on the chest on the green belt Display format Archival description RUSMARC