Russia. Council of Ministers
The case about the consideration in the Council of Ministers of the petition of the city public administration of Tomsk on the direction of the Siberian railway being built. etc. through Tomsk: August 14, 1908 - February 28, 1909 - 1908-1909. - 52 liters .. - (Fund of the Council of Ministers, 1908. Inventory No. 4). - Orig. headline: On the railroad through the city of Tomsk: 1908 - In the case also: Scheme of railway communications in Western Siberia. [1: 1 050 000], 250 versts in inch (sheet 12); [Map of the Tomsk Province] (sheet 29)
1. Siberian Railway - Construction - History - Documents and materials. 2. Territory of Russia (collection). 3. Power (collection). 4. Tomsk region: pages of history (collection). |
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Source of electronic copy: РГИА Location on the secret of the original: РГИА. F. 1276. Op. 4. D. 379.