The case on the consideration in the Council of Ministers of the petition of Olonets Vice-Governor AO Shidlovsky on the construc...

      Russia. Council of Ministers  
The case about the petition of the Olonets Vice Governor AO Shidlovsky on the construction of the White Sea canal between the Onega Lake and the White Sea in the Council of Ministers: with the annex of the plan: 7-16 April 1915 - 1915. - 11 p. : pl. + adj. .. - (Fund of the Council of Ministers, 1915. Inventory No. 11). - Orig. headline: At the request of Olonetsky Vice Governor Shidlovsky on the expeditious construction of the White Sea canal in 1915: April 7 - 16, 1915 - At the end of the plan: A projected White Sea canal between the Onega Lake and the White Sea. Scale in English. inch. 25 miles .
1. The White Sea-Baltic Canal - Designing - History - Documents and materials. 2. Territory of Russia (collection). 3. Olonets province.
1. White Sea. 2. Lake Onega
ББК 63.3 (28-8Оло) 53-2
Source of electronic copy: РГИА
Location on the secret of the original: РГИА. F. 1276. Op.11. D.553
Catalogue object